Hand-Painted Dog Pouch

Portrait Quantity:
  1. Please select 1 or 2 Dog Portraits 
  2. Upload up to 2 images of your Dog's portrait
  3. Submit order

Client must supply REAL Atelier with Pouch.

Once Order is submitted, you will receive an email from REAL Atelier on where to ship your pouch (shipping to REAL Atelier is a cost the consumer must pay).

Logan will request you to email him the tracking number once you have shipped your good. Once received at the Atelier, Logan will send you another email confirmation that your package has arrived safely. 

Turnaround time of commission is usually between 1-4 weeks once Logan has received your good.

Once the commission has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation with a tracking number.

Please feel free to email logan@loganreal.com if you have any questions before placing this Custom Service Order. 

Logan Real, Inc does NOT represent or is anyway affiliated with Maison Goyard

REAL Atelier offers custom services to hand-paint designs on designer goods and does NOT sell Maison Goyard or any designer branded goods.



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